About Me

I am a wife and a mother. I work full-time as an Advisor in the healthcare industry.  I have a bachelor’s degree in Health Care Administration and a master’s in Adult Education and Training. I consider myself a lifelong learner and enjoy helping others learn as well, which inspired me to start this blog!

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, reading, learning, traveling, and occasionally binging a good show. I also enjoy spending time outside and doing activities such as camping, gardening, kayaking, taking our dogs for walks, and swimming (any by swimming, I pretty much mean floating around the pool soaking up the sun with a cold beverage in hand).

Life is what you make it and we only get one chance at it so I’ve been on a journey to live my best life, while simultaneously trying to prepare our kids to do the same. For the past 10 years, my focus has been on career and professional development and advancement. For the past 5 years, I’ve also focused on debt reduction and financial stability.  These are long-term journeys and I am still learning along the way. As our kids get older, the new focus will also be helping them become successful adults. 

My goal with this blog is to share what I’ve learned over the years and what I am learning as I continue along this journey called life. Join my journey and come learn with me!