Learn More with These Essential Study Tips

Balancing academics with a social life or work life can be challenging! However, with effective study habits, you can not only meet your academic goals but also make time for other activities. Let’s review 5 essential study tips to help you achieve your academic goals and make time for your other activities!

Image by Matheus Rovanholo from Pixabay

Schedule Time to Study

The key to successful studying is consistency. Create a realistic and structured study schedule that fits into your daily routine. Allocate specific time slots for each subject and do your best to stick to the schedule. By sticking to a schedule, you create a routine that helps your brain transition into study mode more easily. If something important comes up that will conflict with your study appointment that you can’t avoid, reschedule your study appointment. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, find the time that works best for you and use it to your advantage. Depending on your circumstances, you may not have a lot of options for scheduling in study time, but it can be done. When I was in school for my master’s degree, I was working full-time and married with 4 kids. My scheduling time was all over the place some weeks, but I made sure to fit in it. It may have been right after work one day, after cooking dinner the next, or after picking up a kid from practice the following but I made sure to find time to sit down and study.

Use Subject Blocking

Subject blocking involves focusing on one subject at a time during your study sessions. This method helps prevent the confusion that may arise when trying to juggle multiple subjects simultaneously. Dedicate specific time periods to each subject. However, if you struggle with staying focused on one subject for an extended period of time, schedule shorter blocks for each subject. So, if you have 3 hours of time dedicated to studying, you can try block time for 3 different subjects for one hour each versus one subject for 3 hours. This can help keep your mind engaged if you are having a hard time staying focused on one subject for that long of a stretch. Of course, consider your needs at the time as well. If you are seriously struggling in a class and have a final coming up that will determine whether you pass or fail, you may need to force yourself to remain dedicated to that subject longer than you’d prefer.

Switching Up Studying Techniques

Variety is the spice of life, and the same holds true for studying. Experiment with different study techniques to find what works best for you. Some students benefit from visual aids like flashcards or mind maps, while others prefer reading and summarizing content.

Mixing up your study routine can prevent boredom and keep your mind engaged. If you’ve been reading for an hour, take a break and switch to a more interactive method, such as solving practice problems or discussing concepts with a study group. The key is to find a balance that keeps you focused and motivated.

Getting Enough Sleep

It’s easy to underestimate the importance of sleep, especially during busy academic periods. However, a well-rested mind is more alert, focused, and capable of retaining information. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to ensure your brain is functioning at its best.

Establish a bedtime routine to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. Avoid electronic devices at least an hour before bed, as the blue light emitted can interfere with your sleep cycle. Adequate rest not only enhances your academic performance but also contributes to your overall well-being.

Silencing Distractions

In our digital world, distractions are everywhere. Social media, notifications, and other tempting distractions can derail your study sessions. To fight this, create a dedicated study environment that minimizes distractions.

Turn off notifications on your phone, use website blockers if needed, and let friends and family know when you’ll be studying to reduce interruptions. If there are many distractions in your home, try going to a library or a coffee shop if that type of environment is not distracting for you.


Adding these study tips into your routine can help improve your academic performance while allowing time for other activities. Remember, finding a balance that works for you is key, so don’t hesitate to experiment with different approaches until you discover the most effective study habits for your learning style. By prioritizing consistency, focus, and self-care, you’ll be well on your way to improving your learning and grades.